
Vaginal Tightening

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    Amor tu Cuerpo, which means ‘Love Your Body’ is the motto of cosmetic gynecology wing introduced by Dr Preeti Jindal in her advanced gynecology centre – The Touch clinic, Mohali. Dr Preeti who has a two decade experience, is a specialist in recurrent miscarriage, high risk obstetrics & gynecology, infertility and cosmetic gynecology introducing CO2 laser for loose Vagina issues.

    Over time, a natural processes within a woman’s lifecycle, such as child birth, hormonal changes can cause involuntary urine leakage, vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness and recurrent infections.

    Ageing not just effects a woman externally, it does impact her internally as well. Vaginal looseness or weakening and damage to vaginal muscles and ligaments is a very common occurrence in woman, especially after child birth. Additionally, female hormones diminish with age, which also leads to relaxation of vaginal muscles and loss of sexual satisfaction along with a host of other complications like Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI).

    Moreover, common, occasionally embarrassing symptoms, such as “laxity” of vaginal walls and incontinence can nowadays be effectively treated, WITHOUT surgery. In some cases, surgical techniques may also need be considered.


    To address these problems there is quick, safe, non-invasive painless 10 minute procedure – CO2 laser technology via advanced femilift laser machine. It uses pixelated CO2 laser beam at affected tissues to regenerate lost elastin and collagen. It improves functionality of entire vaginal, vulval, peri-urethral area increasing lubrication, tone, and strength. In this procedure similar to vaginal ultrasound, a specially designed hygienic, single use probe is inserted in vagina and laser pulses are delivered at 1 cm distance. For leakage of urine this is one of the most effective painless & economical treatment.

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