
best moca varicose vein treatment

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    What is the MOCA Technique For Varicose Veins?

    MOCA (Mechanico Chemical Ablation) also known as Clarivein or Flebogrif is the latest non-thermal and non-tumescent technique used to treat gnarled & enlarged veins widely known as varicose veins.

    Varicose veins can occur in any part of your body but are majorly seen in the legs. The symptoms lead to venous ulcers or even cosmetic conditions. MOCA is one of the best treatments for those who suffer from varicose veins but do not want to undergo surgical procedures to eradicate them. MOCA technique uses the combination of mechanical endothelial alteration wherein a rotating wire is used along with an infusion of a liquid sclerosant into your vein walls, which helps damage the vessel wall effectively. MOCA is a painless treatment and patients who opt for this treatment say that they experienced a little vibrating sensation only during the treatment.

    Is The MOCA Technique Safe?

    MOCA is a pain-free treatment and you will not experience any uneasiness during or post-surgery. However, it also depends on the health of each person. You will only experience the sensation of mild tingling sensation when the catheter is used.

    You need to follow the doctor’s instructions for post-care. The doctor may suggest the use of compression garments for the treated area.

    This technique basically designed to reduce visible bruising. In case you notice any small bruising patches, they fade away soon.

    Benefits of MOCA Varicose Vein Treatment

    • Highly safe and effective treatment modality
    • Minimally invasive and no risk of multiple needle stick injuries
    • Negligible risk of skin or nerve damage
    • Rapid recovery and return to normal activities

    Treatment Procedure

    The entire procedure to treat varicose veins lasts for only 20 minutes and uses a single tiny injection. Our doctors use Clarivein or Flebogrif catheter during the treatment. They insert this tiny and thin catheter in the main varicose vein, which consists of a thin and soft wire at the other end of the catheter. The blunt wires extend from the end, and these wires result in vein convulsion and bruise the vein lining. At this moment our doctors inject a sclerosant into the vein and remove the catheter gently. MOCA is well known for the way it smoothly damages the vein lining and helps the drug to seal the vein.

    To get the maximum success rate with this treatment one must choose his her varicose vein care provider very wisely. Callidora is providing the best moca varicose vein treatment in Punjab with a high success rate in the Tricity area of Punjab.

    You need to follow the doctor’s instructions for post care. The doctors may suggest use of compression garments for the treated area.

    This technique basically designed to reduce the visible bruising. In case you notice any small bruising patches, they fade away soon.

    FAQ Frequently Asked Question’s

    MOCA with ClariVein is a completely tumescent less process. It means you do not need multiple local anaesthesia which is otherwise used to numb down your entire leg. ClariVein needs only single injection particularly of local anaesthesia so that the skin can be numbed and to insert ClariVein catheter into your vein.

    No, you don’t need general anaesthesia. MOCA is less surgical and pain free treatment. Only a single injection of local anaesthetic is needed to numb skin.

    MOCA treatment needs no hospitalization.The doctors carry out the procedure in clinic setting only.

    Yes. Post MOCA procedure you will be able to walk immediately and resume work.

    No. There are no risk factors expected in case of MOCA treatment as it doesn’t use heat to treat affected vein.

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