
Sexual Response

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    Vulvodynia is chronic pain or discomfort around the opening of your vagina (vulva) Whether it is generalized or localised, may be described as provoked (caused by touch) or spontaneous (occurring without touch as a trigger).

    In vulvodynia, pain is felt in the vulva when there is no obvious visible cause for it and other diagnoses have been ruled out by examination and investigation.

    What causes vulvodynia?

    The precise cause is unknown. The nerve endings in the skin of the vulva appear to become over-sensitive and send abnormal signals which are felt as a sensation of pain. Stress can make it worse. It is thought to affect about 15 in 100 women. It is not contagious or related to hygiene or hygiene products. Vulvodynia is one type of ‘complex regional pain syndrome’, others including migraine and fibromyalgia.

    What are the symptoms of vulvodynia?

    Pain occurs in the vulva, and occasionally involves the buttocks or even the inner thighs. It is often felt as a burning, stinging or raw discomfort and may be constant or intermittent. Symptoms may occur only in a small area or involve the entire vulva. The pain can occur spontaneously or when the vulva is touched. The ongoing pain can cause significant distress and anxiety as well as affecting sexual relationships.

    Role of CO2 Laser in vulvodynia ?

    It is very advanced and highly effective treatment of vulvodynia.It increases and improve the production of collagen and elastin fibres in the dermis layer of skin that cover nerve endings in the skin of the vulva which appear to become over-sensitive.It regenerates nerve endings.

    What is CO2 laser?

    CO2 Laser is a state-of-the-art, minimally-invasive outpatient treatment that provides positive results for various feminine conditions – regardless of your age or stage in life.

    It is quick, painless and completely safe, and provides highly effective results. We believe that every woman deserves to enjoy her feminine wellness to its fullest – and to live in harmony with her body and self, always

    How does it works?

    • Like skin, vaginal tissue is made up of collagen fibers which give it strength and flexibility. It uses breakthrough CO2 laser technology to gently heat vaginal tissue, contracting existing fibers and stimulating the formation of new collagen. FemiLift treatment improves the functionality of the entire vaginal area-normalizing blood flow, increasing lubrication, boosting immune resistance and restoring the strength and elasticity of the vaginal walls.

    How long does the treatment take ? How long before you will be able to resume normal routine?

    A typical treatment takes under 30 minutes, or less, depending on the case. You should be able to resume your normal activities right after the treatment.

    Is it a single treatment solution or do you need more sittings?

    Immediate results are achieved right after the treatment. However, in order to maintain these results, follow up treatments are usually recommended, every few months.

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