
CO2 Laser

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    Dr Preeti Jindal

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    What is CO2 Laser?

    It is an FDA approved device which has been used to treat various vaginal conditions. They choose to use this technology because it is the most proven laser. Co2 lasers have been used in medicine for over 40 years and have the largest number of related researches and publications

    Over time, the natural processes of your lifecycle as a woman, such as childbirth and hormonal changes, can lead to various conditions such as involuntary urine leakage, vaginal laxity, dryness and recurring infections.

    As a result, you may experience a decrease in the quality of your life –and sense of self. FemiLift is a state-of-the-art, minimally-invasive outpatient treatment that provides positive results for various feminine conditions – regardless of your age or stage in life.

    It is quick, painless and completely safe, and provides highly effective results. We believe that every woman deserves to enjoy her feminine wellness to its fullest – and to live in harmony with her body and self, always.

    How Does it treat?

    This is one of the leading solution for optimal feminine wellness at any age.Because of its versatility, it successfully addresses many conditions.

    It treats following conditions:

    Vaginal Tightening

    Over time, especially after childbirth, vaginal tissue can overstretch, creating a feeling of looseness (laxity) and reduced sensitivity in the vaginal area. This can lead to decreased satisfaction during sexual intercourse, creating a significant quality of life issue. FemiLift tones and rebuilds the collagen of the vaginal walls, enhances the sensitivity of the vaginal receptors and contracts existing vaginal tissue, increasing vaginal tightness and improving sexual satisfaction.

    Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

    SUI is a term that describes involuntary leakage of urine during activities that increase pressure in the abdomen such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise. This condition is caused by a loss of strength in the urethra due to a weakened pelvic support structure. FemiLift treats the entire area, supporting the urethra, increasing the thickness of the vaginal walls and strengthening the pelvic support structure. The treatment reduces the symptoms of SUI and effectively restores urinary continence

    Post- Menopause Indications

    The shift in hormones that occurs with menopause can cause the lining of the vagina to become thinner, drier, less elastic and inflamed. FemiLift rejuvenates the vaginal lining, increasing the thickness of the vaginal walls and restoring lubrication. The treatment reduces uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning and friction and helps improve sexual function.

    Post-Delivery Rehabilitation

    Childbirth, a momentous lifecycle event, involves many physiological changes to a woman’s body. Post-delivery, the vaginal area may feel stretched and dry and the pelvic floor may be weakened. FemiLift rehabilitates the entire vaginal area by strengthening and toning vaginal tissue, and restoring its strength and flexibility.

    Vaginal Dryness & Recurring Infections

    FemiLift helps women suffering from dryness and recurring vaginal infections by rejuvenating the vaginal lining and restoring lubrication. The treatment increases the immune system response of the vaginal area, generates new healthy tissue with higher immune resistance to infections and allows the vagina to naturally maintain normal PH levels.

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