
radiofrequency ablation treatment for varicose veins

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    Radio Frequency Ablation

    Radiofrequency ablation treatment for varicose veins is a minimally invasive procedure to treat varicose veins. This technique works using radiofrequency energy (instead of laser) to damage the vein wall of the diseased vein. Ablation means using heat to damage the target tissue, causing the formation of scar tissue. This scar tissue consequently closes the damaged vein. In RFA treatment, RF is targeted at the vein through a thin, flexible tube or catheter. This seals the blood flow in the problematic vein

    RFA Procedure

    To treat a varicose vein, radiofrequency energy is targeted using a thin tube (catheter) that is inserted through a small incision into the vein. The electrical current is sent through the catheter in the vein, thereby generating heat damaging the malicious vein tissue. After treatment, the patient has to wear compression stockings for at least 1 week. During follow-up, the doctor will use duplex ultrasound to assure that the vein is sealed properly. Walking slowly is immediately encouraged after the treatment. Normal daily activity can be resumed in a very short time, one must avoid rigorous activities like gym workouts.

    Benefits of Radiofrequency Ablation

    • Faster and safer
    • Outpatient procedure (takes an average of 35 to 40 minutes to perform)
    • Least invasive
    • No incision is required for RFA and it can treat an entire vein up to 30 inches.
    • Little painful or completely painless
    • Performed under local anesthesia, thereby making it comfortable 
    • Very little downtime
    • Post RFA procedure, the patient returns to normal activities in around 24 hours.

    Shall I opt for RFA to treat varicose veins?

    Radiofrequency ablation treatment for varicose veins is a suitable treatment for patients suffering from large varicose veins. The doctors diagnose your condition and depending on the severity of your varicose vein, they suggest whether or not you need RFA.

    How do I prepare myself for RFA?

    The doctors will give you proper instructions on how to prepare yourself for RFA. They may suggest changes in regular medications you take.

    What can I expect after the procedure?

    There will be little or no pain post the procedure as the affected area will be given local anesthesia. No stitches will be needed as there is no cut. After the process is complete, doctors will wrap your legs using a compression wrap. You will be asked to wear compression stockings for almost 2-3 weeks after the procedure. You can resume your daily tasks within 24 hours but will be asked to avoid strenuous activities.

    Is radiofrequency vein ablation painful??

    The procedure doesn’t need any surgical incision. You get relief from pain almost immediately post-procedure.

    FAQ Frequently Asked Question’s

    The duration of the treatment is pretty short and just takes an hour and offers quick relief.
    You can resume normal activities faster than the surgery.
    No scar will be there as the treatment doesn’t involve any surgical incision.

    The doctors will give you proper instructions on how to prepare yourself for RFA. They may suggest changes in regular medications you take. Also, you need to wear comfortable and loose fitting clothes for the procedure.

    There will be little or no pain post the procedure as the affected area will be given local anaesthesia. No stitches will be needed as the incisions made will be very small. After the process is complete, doctors will wrap your legs using a compression wrap. You will be asked to wear compression stockings for almost 2-3 weeks after the procedure. You can resume your daily tasks within 24 hours but will be asked to avoid strenuous activities.

    The procedure doesn’t need any surgical incision. There is just a small incision which doesn’t even need any stitching to be closed.You get relief from pain almost immediately post procedure.

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