
Varicose Veins On Breast


Varicose Veins On Breast

Veins on the breast may be concerning, but in most cases, they are harmless. These veins do not cause any discomfort, and people are mainly concerned about their appearance. Let’s understand more about veins on the breast.

Varicose Veins On Breast

The main function of the veins is to carry impure blood to the heart. The veins have valves that work in one direction and prevent the backflow of blood. This causes pooling of the veins causing them to bulge and swell, resulting in varicose veins.

While varicose veins are usually present on arms and legs, they can also be present on the breasts. In most cases, women have a minor form of varicose vein on the breast, called spider veins.


Some causes that may cause varicose veins on the breast are:


Hormonal changes during pregnancy may cause the veins to swell and bulge. These hormonal changes occur to prepare your body for breastfeeding. It also increases blood volume to provide more oxygen and nutrients for the growing baby.

Weight Gain

The cause is similar to what happens during pregnancy. Increased weight causes more resistance in the veins, and your body needs more blood to be distributed. So, maintaining normal body weight is essential for reducing the appearance of varicose veins on breasts.

Other causes include genetics, long-term use of corticosteroids, and skin damage due to ultraviolet rays.


Usually, treatment for varicose veins may not be required. If you are concerned about their appearance on the breast, you may discuss various options.

Several procedures are available that may reduce the appearance of the veins, depending upon the cause. The procedures include:

  • Laser treatments, such as endovenous laser therapy, works by shrinking or destroying particular veins
  • Radiofrequency ablation can help manage small and localized breast veins
  • Sclerotherapy, which involves injecting a chemical into the veins, thus causes reduction of the veins

These therapies may help to improve the appearance and ease the pain.


While it may be challenging to prevent breast veins, especially as a person ages, it is possible to reduce the possibility of the visible breast veins by:

  • Protecting the breasts to avoid injury (especially during contact sports)
  • Wear appropriate clothing to prevent skin damage
  • Staying physically active
  • Seeking help from a doctor for lactation if breastfeeding is painful
  • Wearing sunscreen


Varicose veins on breasts are not harmful in most cases. But if it is causing discomfort or you want to get rid of them for cosmetic purposes, various treatment options are available to manage these veins, including laser therapy.

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