Non Invasive Treatment for Varicose Veins


Non Invasive Treatment for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are unsightly bulged veins that appear most commonly in legs. For a lot of people, it is a matter of concern as it is affecting their looks and becoming painful with time. Furthermore, the fact with which most of the individuals are unaware is that it might be an indication of something beyond normal serious issues beneath the skin i.e. in the veins.

Fortunately, several treatment modalities have come into practice to serve venous wellness due to advancement in medical science and technology. But still people are hesitant to set out with the vision to undergo the treatment to get the underlying cause treated properly. This is because of their fear for surgical incisions and cuts.Therefore, they become prey to quackery and malpractices which can land them in more worsened conditions. There are a lot of  options for minimally-invasive treatment for varicose veins.

Minimally-Invasive Varicose Veins Treatment Options Available

Simple laser treatment-Transcutaneous

It is the laser based treatment for spider veins or small varicose veins lying underneath the surface of the skin. The treatment needs one or more sessions scheduled every six to twelve weeks until the issue is resolved.

Endovenous laser treatment

It is another minimally-invasive and effective treatment for varicose veins, specifically the larger ones in the legs. The laser fiber is inserted through a catheter (thin tube) into the affected vein and monitored on a duplex ultrasound screen. Its advantage lies in the fact that the patient recovers in a very short period.

Radio Frequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is also a minimally invasive varicose vein treatment. In this, radiofrequency waves heat up the affected vessel walls in order to damage them, thereby allowing its easy removal. This results in the development of a scar tissue to close the vein.


MOCA (Mechanico Chemical Ablation) is delivered by either  Clarivein or Flebogrif. It is one of the latest non-thermal and non-tumescent painless procedures to treat abnormally enlarged veins. In this, mechanical endothelial alteration of the vein is carried out in combination with sclerosant liquid infusion into the vein resulting in the effective vessel wall damage of varicose veins.

Glue Therapy

It is also a minimally-invasive treatment for varicose veins. A vein glue called VenaSeal is used for closure of the varicose vein. VenaSeal is a medical-grade adhesive and is absolutely safe. The affected vein is clogged and blood circulation is rerouted through healthy veins.

Steam Ablation of Varicose Veins

Using steam ablation method for managing varicose veins, especially superficial tortuous unpleasant veins also results in least invasion. It is performed under local anesthesia and the procedure is finished in around 45 mins, allowing the patient to go home back.

CLaCS Technique

The CLaCS technique is the combination of different technologies such as sclerotherapy, augmented reality procedure, laser, and skin cooling ( for anesthesia).


High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU is a non invasive varicose veins and venous reflux disease treatment. This is done using ultrasound. The ultrasound energy is beamed on the skin above the affected vein through a transducer. The target vein is heated upto a temperatures that can cause permanent vein closure via fibrosis.

Wrapping Up

The above mentioned treatments provide you painless and minimally-invasive treatment for varicose veins with promising results. But these can result in various adverse complications also if your professional is not well skilled or pays negligence while performing such procedures. So, one must choose his/her health care professional wisely to undergo such skill based treatments. Callidora is India’s leading vein care clinic that ensures best treatment results and comfortable recovery using advanced technologies along with well skilled professionals.

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Vein Disease



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