
Best Scar Treatment After Surgery


Best Scar Treatment After Surgery

Laser treatment may work like a magic wand for scars after any surgery. It works by removing the outer or damaged layer of the skin. Let’s understand more about how this procedure may help you.

How Does The Treatment Work?

The laser makes the scar less noticeable. Your body starts the healing process after a surgical incision, resulting in a scar formation. A scab develops over the incision to protect your body from germs. This sab eventually falls off. The skin below the scab is of the same color as the rest of the skin. However, depending on the depth of incision, the scar remains after the scab falls off.

These scars become lighter with time. But when a scar remains permanent, laser treatment works by removing the outer layer of the skin, improving the tone and appearance of the skin. The treatment can also target the blood vessel in the scar tissue to reduce redness and trigger the production of normal skin cells.

Types Of Laser Treatment

Various types of laser treatment options are available for scar, including:

Ablative Laser Resurfacing

This type of laser procedure reduces the appearance of the scar. It removes the outer skin layer and removes damaged skin cells at the surface. Your doctor may also use carbon dioxide laser for deeper scars.

Fractionated Laser Resurfacing

This procedure allows deeper penetration of the laser to remove the hyperpigmented (dark) cells. It also boosts collagen production and skin cells production, making the scar less noticeable.

Non-Ablative Laser Resurfacing

It involves the use of an infrared heat laser that can penetrate the inner skin layer. It also boosts the production of new skin cells and collagen.

All these procedures are done as outpatient procedures. These procedures are safe, and you may expect mild discomfort during the procedure. The doctor will carry out laser treatment after applying an anesthetic cream to numb the area so you won’t feel any pain.

What You Can Expect After the Laser Treatment

After the procedure, it may take about 3 to 10 days for recovery. Your doctor may advise some precautions, including:

  • Applying a moist cloth or cold pack to the area to reduce swelling
  • Avoiding direct sunlight for a month after the procedure
  • Washing and applying moisturizer
  • Taking over-the-counter medication
  • Avoiding makeup after facial procedures

It may take a few weeks for you to notice the difference.

Precautions Before The Procedure

Once you decide to take a laser procedure, your doctor will advise certain precautions to be taken before the procedure, including:

  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid taking skincare products containing glycolic acid and retinol for about two or four weeks before the procedure
  • Avoid taking aspirin or medications, or supplements that can impede the healing process
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure. Wearing sunblock


Laser treatment for scar works by removing the damaged skin cells and boosting collagen production and new skin cells. It may take about a month or two to see a noticeable change. Laser treatments are relatively safe procedures, and you may feel just a mild discomfort during the procedure.

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